Another item that, as far as I can tell, is unique to St Louis is the people's love of frozen custard over the more traditional ice cream. Not to say they don't like ice cream or that other places don't like frozen custard. People here just LOVE frozen custard. And although there are other purveyors, Ted Drewes Frozen Custard is the staple down here. St Louisans crave it all winter long it seems. One person after another would close their eyes as they described how awesome this frozeny goodness is. Admittedly skeptical, (I'm a huge ice cream fan) I finally ventured down to the Chippewa stand on a Tuesday night around 8:30 pm.
It was effing packed. And it wasn't even what most would consider warm outside. This brought my hopes up. And then they were dashed. My friend Meg was with me and I asked her for some recommendations. She started shooting off toppings and I began to get the sneaking suspicion that what we're talking about here is a Dairy Queen Blizzard. Yep... Confirmed. The only difference is Blizzard's are made with soft-serve ice cream. Meh. Hopes now officially dashed as I've never been a big fan of Blizzard's, I stepped in line. I looked around at all the peeps in line with me and shook my head a little. I mean, a Blizzard is one of the most lazy frozen desserts out there! It's always just sitting around... being all vanilla and soft... and then, Bam! Add some Butterfingers to that lazy bastard. No matter how you dress it up it's still just vanilla soft-serve with crumbled up whatever mixed in. Get off your lazy ass and stop hanging on other candies coattails, Blizzard! Get some culture for Jezabelle's sake.
Wow. That was rough. I kinda feel bad now, but he had to know. Anyway, I was going down the list of things I could add to my vanilla frozen custard when I stopped at apple pie. I like apple pie, and at least it's a mix of a bunch of different flavors to make one universally recognizable flavor. I ordered it "regular" size which I guess is medium. It looked like a creamier version of a Blizzard just as I had suspected.

The good news? It was delicious! It made for a much tastier treat than a Blizzard ever could although I took issue with the fact that it made my mouth stickier than normal. I have a feeling these frozen custards are possibly worse for you than ice cream. Then again, I'm no scientist. No, really. Do not Google it.
I get it. It's a tradition and I'm a fan of tradition. And truth be told it's pretty good stuff for a Blizzard-like treat. Let's chalk this one up to personal preference. I'd still take a flavored ice cream over it any day. Plus I went to high school with Cold Stone Creamery so I get discounts. I'm so glad it doesn't remember how much I used to pick on it for singing those stupid songs every time someone tipped. Thanks for not singing at me Ted Drewes!