A friend of mine from Chicago tipped me on this love letter to St Louis appearing in the mother of all Midwest newspapers no matter how cumbersome it is to handle on the train... The gigantic in so many ways... Chicago Tribune.

Yeah, it's an Associated Press article and a bit heavy on the PR side, but it is what it is; A late Valentine's Day card to you dear St Louisans. See? Us Chicagoans aren't so bad! We run random articles in our travel section about other cities. At least I think it's random. Truth be told I barely did any research at all on this post. Holiday weekends in which the Cards sweep the Astros totally wear me out. Now I'm off to go get my free Big Mac for Albert's ridic Home Run into Big Mac Land. Right after I go check out Cheryl Wittenauer's other work. Oooh... How To Pack A Healthy Lunch... Maybe I won't get that Big Mac after all. Thanks Cheryl!
And oh my god... While mulling around Google looking for a clever picture for this post I found this article about Obama and St Louis pizza!!! Say it isn't so Barack... Say it isn't so.
Mmmm....St. Louis pizza is the BEST! And you're right, all CHicagoians are that bad :)
What the fuck is this bullshit?
Hi Jim! I tagged you on my blog...check it out if you have time. I'm a fellow stl blogger stopping by to say hi! Jenn told me about your blog....
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